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Dated: 9 May 2008


An Appeal From A Scientist



Let us make a new society, which is sensitive, which do not use science as a cover and as an excuse to kill and loot shamelessly.


'Absence of laboratory evidence of lethality of BT Cotton does not mean it is not unsafe'.


You can quote case of endosulfan pesticide in Kerala state (India), how it was discovered to cause congenital limb / body malformation in humans and it was probably banned from cashew plantations in the state.


You can also quote the Kerala Chief Minister (his statement of 10 April 2008), why he is not allowing BT Cotton and other GM Plants into his state. This cannot be termed as a personal choice alone when welfare of millions of farmers and survival of dependent world population is concerned. After all, the Chief Minister of Kerala is also bound by the constitution of Republic of India and guidelines and policies of Central government.


We in the civil society have no resources to prove in laboratory that BT Cotton is unsafe but this should not give governments and companies an excuse to kill people and animals in millions. The death rate or rate of patients coming in animal / human hospital can tell the tale and can be good scientific evidence as well.


The continuation of biological and ecological devastation by BT Cotton shows what other disasters blind, ruthless, inhuman and insensitive science can bring in the near future. As a scientist and moreover a qualified plant genetic engineer, I feel angered, ashamed and helpless. I really feel sorry for millions of animals and humans in India who are killed or affected by grave known / unknown diseases due to BT Cotton. Millions of hectares of land is also becoming less fertile due to toxic effect of BT Cotton. Other serious ecological ill effects are also felt by different farming and nomadic populations and discovered by scientists.


There is perhaps more to write but can writing alone help?




(Sudhir Kumar Kaura)

PhD Genetics


Dr Sudhir Kumar Kaura is a qualified biotechnologist and geneticist and would like to invite

like-minded people to contact him for helping (directly or indirectly) in the fight against BT Cotton.

His telephone numbers are 01662 229163, 9354172987 (from with in India) 

and 00 91 1662 229163, 00 91 9354172987 (from outside India).


His e-mail is sudhirkaura‘AT’ (replace ‘AT’ by @)


See more local, national and global information on BT Cotton at , , , ,


"Monsanto has become a 'Monster' as it is eating up all the natural resources and heath of billions of humans and animals with its untested technology of genetically mutilated plants. I hope people will get rid of this company and all those producing genetically mutilated seed as they got rid of Union Carbide in USA & Worldwide."

"Putting the gene into a plant is no great science than understanding in advance with foolproof methods the actual and possible harmful effects of a potentially dangerous technology."

"There has been so overwhelming political and social support for bigger companies that whatever rubbish these companies prescribe to us we take it as if we have lost all our logical scientific understanding of dangers of GM plants. Humans study history so that they may not have to repeat it but when they forget science then they amy have no time to even repeat the history"
- Dr Sudhir Kumar Kaura, India

The paragraph(s) above is a part of the bigger essay which describes in details the failure of Monsanto to provide a safe technology to people and governments by its deliberate subvergence of science.

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