Do You Have Any Unususal Symptoms of Skin Itching/Allergy Due to GM Food / GM Cotton based clothes / Non-Food
GM Products?
In USA and other countries Genetically modified (GM) food is increasingly being forced on consumers.
We have a question for all of you:
Do You Have Any Unususal Symptoms of Skin Itching/Allergy or other Harmful effect on health which you suspect may
be due to to GM Food? Or Do You Know of Any other health effect which you feel is suddenly coming to you or your family
and may have an increasing trend in last 2-10 years?
Your answer to this question can go a long way in pressing to our respective governments for abandoing GM food and
other non-food products derived from GM Plants.
So please answer this question if you feel any itiching / allergy like symptoms due to food / clothes which are unusually
increasing in the last few year or more. I hope the answers to these questions would be further probed to find a scientific
explanation for increasing bad effects on our health.
Allergy source can be any kind of food raw or processed. The allergy or other effect may have been a common one or
uncommon one. Do not ignore any specific observation and share it with us here. It will help us to guide you as well.
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